Normally I would just say this book, Worm and Caterpillar Are Friends Ready-to-Read Graphics Level 1, was just about friendship. And it is, but it is also about being different and yourself. And when you become your final self, this is a real coming out story that is trans based.
Worm, sweet and a bit naïve, says they are like Caterpillar, who is a bit more practical. Such as Caterpillar points out they are not the same when Worm says they are best friends who are exactly alike. However, they are different, but similar, too. Worm has no legs, Caterpillar has 16; but they are both afraid of birds. And one day, Caterpillar asks Worm if he will like them if Caterpillar changes. And Worm wonders why Caterpillar thinks that? (It’s a pretty big hunch on Caterpillar’s part. See images.) And of course, Caterpillar changes. “Please call me Butterfly,” we are informed.
Kaz Windness and I have an interesting reading relationship. I like this; I don’t like that. But this time. Worm and Caterpillar, um. Butterfly, and I are good friends. I like the friendship aspect and how Caterpillar changes, becoming Butterfly. It is not pushy or preachy, just a cute story about the things friends do to make the most wonderful friendship they can possibly have. Of course, there are some misunderstandings, but Worm is cool with things in the end.
Included is a page that shows you how to draw Worm and Caterpillar. This allows you to see how you can make art like Windess. Which, this time has colorful, sweet, funny, and minimalist details, but a lovely setting. And did I mention colorful? Also, they are sweet (did I say that?) They are cute, adorable and while a bit “odd and abstract” they are real enough to know what things are and ar good for the younger reader. (Their older work can be a smidgen unpleasant for some people).
Currently available, I read via an online reader copy.