In the latest Cannonball Fodder, MsWas challenges us to “Take a look at your Goodreads (or real) “Want to Read” shelf, and crack open the book that has been on there the longest.”
I recently went through all my bookshelves, reviewing every book that I own to determine its fate. Did I want to keep this book since I still intended to read it, it was autographed, or it had some other special sentimental value? Did it belong in the donation pile, something my friend could put in her Little Free Library and others would enjoy reading? Was it fated for the big, green Better World Books bin in town, providing some funds for a local church (mostly old, discolored trade paperbacks fell in this group)?
That is how I stumbled upon it, a copy of The Prince of Tides which my good friend had lent me because she said, “this is the best book I ever read.” I had moved this book from pile to pile many times over the years, but somehow it never spoke to me strongly enough that I read it. I tried to remember how long ago she gave me this book. Was it when she moved out of town back in 2001 or when I visited her in 2012? Either way, it was definitely the book that has been on my TBR pile for the longest time. I had to face reality, reading this book was not in my future. I did a Marie Kondo, thanked the book for being with me all these years, and gave it away.
Since this year’s Cannonball Reads theme is Read Your Bookshelves, Tell us what book has been on your TBR pile for the longest time (either physical or on a virtual list). Has the time come for you to finally read it or remove it? Share your stories in the comments below.
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