Boy was this a short book! I’m not really sure that I fully remember what happened in this book. I do remember being fully creeped out though. I’ve read at least one or two Joe Hart books in the past, and they’ve been mostly zombie related. This one was a little different, but it did involve an element of the supernatural / fictional creature.
This is basically the story of a guy who finds out his wife is cheating on him, and tries to do something about it. He follows him to a bar with his buddies, and then accidentally kills him. It truly seems to be an accident. They get into a fight, and the guy dies from a blow that shouldn’t have killed him.
He’s like “well we need to get rid of the body”, not “we should call 911”, and his friends are all “yep, I’ve got a truck and a shovel”. I’m kinda hoping my friends would talk me more into the 911 route for our own goods.
I don’t want to ruin the book, since it’s only like 30 pages long, but things shockingly do not go as planned. Well, technically they go exactly as planned, but I guess they don’t stay that way. There’s a semi-disturbing scene with the family dog right near the end. I’m always disturbed by animal deaths, so this one definitely bothered me, but the book is so short that I legitimately forgot about it! You can read it in less than an hour with no problem.