I wasn’t ever able to really get into Naima Simone’s Heated. I’ve read and liked other Naima Simone books, so I can say it’s more a this one didn’t work for me than a there’s a problem with this book issue.
Here is what I did like: Zora and her siblings run a business called Burned, Inc – Breaking Up, Reversing Nuptials & Evading Disasters. They will break up for you, get you out of an abusive relationship, or just one that you want finished cleanly and with less drama. Zora is the peace maker, she hates confrontation and does what she can to sooth rough emotional edges. Her siblings, Levi and Miriam, are great and I look forward to their books. Cyrus’s friend, Jordan was also great. Simone teased open a world that I’m looking forward to more of.
My problem was either with Cyrus, or the combination of Cyrus and Zora. I often like a character who is kind of a jerk to their love interest to cover up their soft, squishy center. It’s a fine line to walk, and this time it didn’t work for me. Cyrus is not a bad character, but he says “you owe me” instead of “you fascinate me” to Zora who is a ball of unnecessary guilt and anxiety. The delicate balance of Cyrus being kind of a jerk to Zora feeling guilty and secretive, and my own state of anxiety meant that I spent too much time frustrated with everyone to really enjoy the story.
I received this as an advance reader copy from NetGalley. My opinions are freely and honestly given.