I love this series. I’m so happy there will be at least two more books full of wacky hijinks, dead body disposal, panicking over money, BFF frandship moments between Finlay and Vero, meta commentary, and I’m sure stuff I can’t even predict because this series is chaos. Beautiful chaos.
Finlay Donovan, romantic suspense and crime author, keeps getting herself into these situations involving real life crime. It’s been several months since the first book, and it seems this time around, someone has taken a hit out on her ex-husband. She and Vero get themselves involved in the situation because they’re trying to prevent the murder from happening. (Hilariously, the hit is placed on a mommy website that is a front for organized crime.)
There’s nothing really that profound about this series, really. It’s just a bunch of wacky fun punctuated by Vero and Finlay’s friendship and occasional smooch from one of Finlay’s love interests. I also highly enjoy the meta element, and Elle Cosimano is great at writing action scenes that I don’t want to skip over, mostly because they’re funny as well as exciting. Also, sometimes disgusting. There’s a whole thing in here with a body that’s in pieces, and where the pieces end up . . .
I hope the TV show they’re working on now does the books justice.
[4.5 stars]