Cold Earth review (4 stars)
This was a disappointment. I know that the series was obviously moving to a Willow/Jimmy pairing, it just didn’t work for me in the end. And it didn’t help that the case got overshadowed by the will they, or won’t they parts. The actual mystery was good in this, but think that after centering the victim, it seemed as if the author/via Jimmy stopped caring about her when it came out what she was really doing in Shetland. Which leads to a larger conversation around [redacted]. The flow was up and down in this one and the ending had me go ehhh. Still better than the last book in the series though.
Wild Fire review (3 stars)
So that was a bit of a mess. I had a bad feeling what we were going to get with this one and I was right. Too much of the book was taken up by Jimmy/Willow’s situation and that ending didn’t leave me with warm, fuzzy, feelings. I had a lot of thoughts about the victim in this one that I wish had gotten explored further. This series ended a bit better than Cleeves other, series, Inspector Ramsay, but not by much. I thought the flow was disjointed and the book really doesn’t get moving til you get to the 40 percent point.