To Change a Planet by Christina Soontorvat is a lovely story about how one small event, person, or thing, can have a global impact. And if each one of us bans together, we can try and help the issues we have created. Of course, there is little new to this concept presented in the pages of Soontorvat’s story. Yet, it is a nice book. It would be good for a classroom setting, or a quiet time read.
The colorfully bold illustrations by Rahele Jomepour Bell add to the “loveliness” of it all. It really is for all ages, but the end information and the afterwards is geared for an older audience and/or the parent/teacher assistance could be required. As said, it is good for the classroom but for a science classroom is my first thought. Yet, I do think any classroom could use it as you can incorporate the information into almost any class learning plans.
I was not “blown away” by the book, but it is a good book. It might not become a classic but will be a favorite for many. When it comes in paper, I will be giving this book as a gift, but until then, I am not going to “rush out” and preorder a dozen copies. The book is due in August of 2022. I would like to see this book done in a large lap-sized board book. Of course, you will lose the environmental extras, but it allows itself to be a board book.