Dome’Loki recommend Ghost by Raina Telgemeier. But since I had already read that one I am taking Drama as my Cannonballer Says! The line in the review, “While I didn’t connect to this story the way I did Smile and Drama…” got me thinking about Drama. I did connect with Telgemeier in Smile. Though I never had braces as a child (but did just do the Invisalign braces as an adult) much of her adventures of getting through life resonated sharply. And I connected with Sisters as well. It was Ghosts that (though I loved it) I did not connect with as much. So, what was Drama going to bring?
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), more connections. While I was not a theater person like Callie (though if I had, I would have been behind the scenes, too) I did (and still do) have the pit falls of just falling for the wrong people at the wrong time. I have traveled junior high with the bumps and bruises she received. Though I did not have the extract colorful friends she did, we did have our moments. The story is a typical pre-teen story done in an accessible manner.
Telgemeier is one of those artist/authors that even if you did not have braces, have sisters, have a drama lifestyle or any of other life events her characters go through, everyone can enjoy her work. Her art is bright, bold, humorous, serious, deep and so much more. She knows kids and the journey we take to try and just get by day-to-day and yet, somehow coming out better than expected.
The great thing about Telgemeier is not only is she an awesome author/illustrator she can fit many categories on our Bingo card. I am sure many have not read a lot of graphic novels or have not read a lot middle reader gems. You can take it as a recommend (Dome’Loki and myself to start), it is a banned book (spoiler: there are gay characters and gasp! Kids kissing!!!) and you can even pick it up for the cover. Which is what grabbed my attention the first time I saw it. It is simple (kids on stage) but the colors are bold and bright and make you pay attention.