Today’s interview is with our own book club maven, faintingviolet!
How many times have you participated in CBR?

My first Cannonball was in 2012 for CBR4, so five years. I had been a lurker on Pajiba for about two years and I finally got up the courage to sign up. I’m so glad I did, I love our little community.
Has being a participant changed the way you read? If so, how?
I’d say yes in a pretty big way. It got me back into reading for pleasure. I had always been a pretty avid reader, although I was a late bloomer. I was just finishing grad school in 2012 and was burned out on academic texts so the idea of just reading what I wanted when I wanted felt great. In the years since my habits have expanded, I’m trying new things based on other Cannonballers’ suggestions, and I’m reading much more carefully. I’ve started to notice craft, and word choice, and all sorts of things I used to just skim over. It’s certainly made for more interesting book conversations.
What’s the first book you recommend to new friends?
I don’t actually recommend books all that often, which seems weird since I LOVE doing book club and selecting our voting choices is sort of a complicit recommendation, but usually I haven’t read the books yet. More often I find myself finishing a book and deciding who I know would like it and trying to convince them to give it a go. I immediately mailed a copy of Fangirl to my sister after I read it because it would speak to her, and she’s gone on to send Rainbow out into the world. I practically beat my roommate Ale into reading The Night Circus because its that rare crossover of the type of books we both love to read. I convinced another friend to give The Martian a try even though he’s not a big fiction reader because I thought it had enough science to keep his attention. I’m pretty sure I’ve commented all over other people’s reviews with “if you like this try that” whenever something occurs to me, but its rarely the same book. Basically I’m much more a book concierge. 🙂
What’s your least favorite book-based movie?
Hm… I really don’t like Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland. I avoid some because I just don’t want to know (looking at you, The Giver). I remember the 2002 The Time Machine with Guy Pearce wasting a good cast. In the so-bad-its-good category we have Timeline with Paul Walker, Frances O’Connor, and Gerard Butler. Great Expectations with Ethan Hawke and GOOP. Ugh!! Can you tell I have a tough time with favorites and least favorites?
If you got to/had to participate in a TV reality show, which one would you pick?
I would love to sit on the judges panel for So You Think You Can Dance. I know nothing about dance, but it looks fun! The Quest which lasted one season looked ridiculous, but fun. I would also make up any number of excuses to spend time with Tim Gunn on Project Runway.