This is the sequel to Landry Park, which is a dystopian tale of nuclear power, class warfare, and debutante balls. The story was about Madeline Landry trying to figure out who attacked her friend. She learns about the Rootless people, the lower class who change the nuclear reactors in the manor houses. There are a lot of revelations being revealed.
In the sequel, Madeline Landry is back to solve another mystery. This time…things get deadly. The heirs of the Gentry’s elite are being killed. Madeline and her uncle (The uncle thing is kind of spoilery from the first book) are trying to get the Gentry and Rootless to make peace and work together. It’s difficult because the Rootless are resentful of their forced subservience and radiation poisoning, while the Gentry are upset that their children are being murdered. They both have valid points, to be honest.
You can read my full review here.