I feel super bad about this review. Kate Beaton deserves my best words, because she is a wonderful, smart, creative genius who produces such sassy and perfect art.
But I super read this in the middle of the night during a Read-a-thon, and other than remembering that I laughed frequently, loudly, and obnoxiously, I remember NOTHING about this book. I mean, the entirety of my oh so helpful Goodreads review after reading was, “This book wasn’t long enough.” THANKS A BUNCH, ASHLEY.
If you aren’t familiar with Hark! A Vagrant, what are you even doing with your life. Check out this book, or her previous collection (which was just called Hark! A Vagrant), or just drop by her site and peruse any old comic at all. It’s a great mix of silly nonsense, historical sassiness, and poking fun at literature.
Anyway here are some fun comics: