Do you remember that commercial for Broadway from the 80s where the woman said ‘I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats!’
God, I hope you do. Well, that’s how I feel about this book. Now, granted, I actually hated the musical Cats, and walked out at intermission, so in theory that phrase wouldn’t be high praise. But I’m choosing to think that Cats means cats, as in kitty cats, as in my favorite animals. And even with that major adjustment, the phrase STILL applies to how I feel about this book.
That’s right, this book is better than kittens. I laughed, and I cried, and damn if I’m not seriously considering “It might be easier. But it wouldn’t be better.” for my next tattoo.
I listened to Ms. Lawson read her first book “Let’s Pretend this Never Happened” a couple of years ago, and loved it. I hadn’t known of The Bloggess before the book, but I subscribed to her blog immediately upon finishing it. I follow her on twitter, and am continually impressed by the way she supports people she’s never met. Her ‘Depression Lies’ … campaign? I don’t even know what to call it, but I know that it has helped and continues to help people.
This book is lovely. It is laugh-out loud funny – I had to read the felted vagina section out loud to my husband, because, I mean, come on – and painfully honest. It’s over 300 pages long and yet still ended too soon. I want to keep the book because I know I’ll enjoy reading it again, but I also want to give it to everyone else to read. But then she won’t get the money from the sale. What to do…
Surprise, friends! You’re all getting Furiously Happy for the holidays